You May Not Know – Part 1

When a potential client reaches out to me, they want to know my experience, what insurance products that are offered through my business, how much things costs, and sometimes, they will ask me to tell them about myself. They want to know my background both personally and professionally. They may ask about my family. They […]

Open Enrollment VS. Guaranteed Issue

There is so much about Medicare that is downright confusing.   When it comes to purchasing a Medicare Supplemental plan, consumers are perplexed when attempting to understand the difference between Open Enrollment and Guaranteed Issue. Open Enrollment and Guaranteed Issue are similiar, but they are different.   They can overlap which makes it all the harder to […]


We each make choices every single day of the week. Choices such as what time we get up, what we eat for breakfast, and what we wear are made every morning. Choices as to where we work, the friends we socialize with, where and who we live with are made with happiness in mind. Choices […]

Why do I pay more for Medicare costs?

Why am I paying more for my Part B Medicare coverage? Why is my Prescription Drug coverage higher than others? This is a perfect time to answer these questions based on the fact that higher premiums have had to be paid for three out of my last five Medicare clients. The answers can be different […]

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

“Mama always said that life is like a box of chocolates.   You never know what you are going to get.” Tom Hanks said these words in one of my favorite movies, Forrest Gump. Whether you have health insurance or Medicare, your health care can also be like a box of chocolates especially if you don’t […]

Is COBRA my Best Option

Is COBRA my best option?   This question has come up three times over the last two weeks and because of that, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information on how to decide if COBRA is your best option. In 1985, Congress passed a bill called the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, […]

Turning 65, Eligible for Medicare, and Don’t Know Where to Start

“I will be turning 65 this year, I’ll be eligible for Medicare, and I don’t have any idea of where to start”. This is a statement that comes my way several times a month.   It doesn’t matter how much education you have, Medicare is complex and you may not know where to begin.   Questions will […]

The Greatest Gift of All

For me, it alway feels a little depressing to see the holidays come to an end.     Decorations are taken down and put away for another year.  Traditions such as family getting together don’t happen as often. We go about our days heading to work, coming home and making dinner, doing chores, and then starting […]

The Annual Election Period is Here

The Annual Election Period is here. What does this mean?   Every year between October 15th and December 7th, individuals on Medicare can look at either Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plans and make changes to their current plan or get a plan for the first time.   Getting a plan for the first time could result […]

We Will Never Forget

September 11, 2001 – It’s a day that changed the world, our country, our towns, and everyone of us. 246 people went to sleep for their morning flights on 9/11. The night before, 2,606 people went to sleep for work. 25 flight attendants packed their bags for their early reports. 343 firefighters, 60 police officers […]