Star Ratings

When it comes to Medicare Advantage plans or Medicare Prescription Drug plans, CMS (The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) use a five star rating to measure Medicare beneficiaries experience with the plan that he or she has. When presenting either a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medicare Prescription Drug plan to a client, it is […]

Why do I pay more for Medicare costs?

Why am I paying more for my Part B Medicare coverage? Why is my Prescription Drug coverage higher than others? This is a perfect time to answer these questions based on the fact that higher premiums have had to be paid for three out of my last five Medicare clients. The answers can be different […]

We All Have Far More in Common

About four years ago, our town wanted to bring in a SOS Recovery Center.   A SOS Recovery Center helps to reduce the stigma and harm that is associated with substance abuse by providing support for people in all stages of recovery.   The Center was getting both support and disapproval from downtown businesses because it was […]

Scrapbooking Your Life Story

When my husband turned 40, it was important to me to put his life story into memories by making him a scrapbook of his life. When our children graduated from high school, one of their gifts was a scrapbook. It took months and hours of work for every page, but the finished project was one […]

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

“Mama always said that life is like a box of chocolates.   You never know what you are going to get.” Tom Hanks said these words in one of my favorite movies, Forrest Gump. Whether you have health insurance or Medicare, your health care can also be like a box of chocolates especially if you don’t […]

Stay at Home Parents

Raising children is one of the best jobs in the world while at the same time, it can be one of the hardest jobs in the world. As a parent, deciding if you will continue to work full time or be a stay at home parent can be one of the hardest decisions you can […]

I am More Than Just a Piece of Paper

I am a Contract. People pay a premium to keep me in force. I help people live out their dreams. I help pay off mortgages so families can stay in their homes. I help pay off credit card debt. I help pay off personal loans. I help provide a college education. I help to pay […]

The Definition of Love

If you were to look up the word, “Love”,  in the dictionary, the definition would go something like this: An intense feeling of deep affection. A great interest and pleasure in something. For me, love has so many definitions.   Here are a few that I have personally witnessed: A wife is the caregiver of her […]

Is COBRA my Best Option

Is COBRA my best option?   This question has come up three times over the last two weeks and because of that, I thought it would be helpful to give you some information on how to decide if COBRA is your best option. In 1985, Congress passed a bill called the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, […]

Turning 65, Eligible for Medicare, and Don’t Know Where to Start

“I will be turning 65 this year, I’ll be eligible for Medicare, and I don’t have any idea of where to start”. This is a statement that comes my way several times a month.   It doesn’t matter how much education you have, Medicare is complex and you may not know where to begin.   Questions will […]