Shooting for the Target

Growing up with a Father that served in the Air Force, my family grew up throughout the United States.   This meant that we moved all throughout our school years and I personally went to 12 different schools and four different high schools. While living in North Dakota where the winter weather was beyond freezing, the […]

Cook-Outs and Conversations

With summer comes hot days, trips to the beach, lounging with a great book on a hammock, or having a picnic lunch right in your own backyard. It includes a kiddie pool for young children and running through a sprinkler as you get older.   It includes staying in your bathing suit throughout the day when […]


Hobbies can be athletic. Hobbies can be relaxing. Hobbies can inspire us. Hobbies can help us to relieve stress. Some hobbies can be done at home.   Some hobbies have to be done outside. For some, hobbies they love can include golf, hiking, and canoeing. For others, hobbies they love can include journaling, reading, or listening […]

A Change in Plans

In the summer months, our oldest son, Michael, takes half of the day off on Mondays to work around the house with my husband.  Since my husband is off on Monday, they work on projects either here at our house or at his home.  Projects such as fixing leaks, fixing doors, outside work, etc. are […]

The Easy Way or The Hard Way

One of my favorite things about this time of the year is looking out our kitchen window and seeing our vegetable garden.   I love to watch it grow and really enjoy working in the garden throughout the summer. This year we are growing carrots, tomatoes, string beans, peppers, radishes, beets, watermelon, onions, pumpkins, cabbage, and […]

Planting a Garden

This is the time of the year that many families (including my own) will plant a garden and grow their own food.    Some families may choose to join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) or just get fresh fruits and vegetables from a Farmer’s Market.  Whatever you choose, you are doing what works best for […]

There Just Isn’t Time

You wake up in the morning, fill lunchboxes, get the children ready for school while you get ready yourself,  drop your children off to school, go to work, pick up your children, make dinner, put away the dishes, play with your children, give baths, get the children ready for bed, and then sit down totally […]

Congratulations College Graduates

Congratulations College Graduates! Balanced Care congratulates you on your hard work, dedication, and your persistance.     After years of hitting the books, studying, and taking endless tests, you may be wondering what is next. Will you work this summer as you comtemplate where you want to work in the degree of your choice? Will you […]

Proper Planning

When any of us are getting ready for a vacation, planning has to happen. Depending on where you are going, will you fly, drive, or take a train? Where will you stay once you get there? What will you bring for clothes? Do you need any new clothes to bring with you? Shopping will have […]

Celebrating Mothers

This coming Sunday, May 13, 2018 is Mother’s Day.   It’s a day to celebrate Mothers throughout our country and the world. Young children will make homemade cards, purchase flowers, or even make Mom breakfast in bed. For some, it will be their first Mother’s Day without their Mother or another year to visit a gravesite […]