Cook-Outs and Conversations

With summer comes hot days, trips to the beach, lounging with a great book on a hammock, or having a picnic lunch right in your own backyard.

It includes a kiddie pool for young children and running through a sprinkler as you get older.   It includes staying in your bathing suit throughout the day when the humidity rises.

It includes looking at the stars on a clear night or watching the clouds make shapes during the day.

It includes fishing as the sunsets.   20643216_10209846460906409_392133671504602466_o

It also comes with favorite quick foods to keep the kitchen cooler.

It comes with ice cream.

It also comes with friends and family having cook-outs to enjoy the days together.

Hamburgers and hotdogs taste even better when they are grilled outside.   Fresh corn on the cob, potato salad, fresh green salads with vegetables from the garden, and beans are just a few favorite cook-out foods in our family.

In my family, every night is an opportunity to sit down together with a good meal.   I love to cook so spending time thinking about what to serve isn’t work for me.   Now that it is only my husband and myself at home, it gives us the chance to be alone and talk.

With cook-outs, there are normally more people that get together.    It’s a chance for sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends to enjoy great food and even better conversation.

In my line of work or for any work for that matter, referrals are what drive business.   It always makes me smile when I hear that at a family reunion, event, or even at a cook-out, conversation took place that lead to me getting referred to them.

People are more likely to refer me when they discuss Medicare because their questions were answered in a way that made sense.

Women will easily refer a friend or relative for Life Insurance when they found a plan that was affordable.

A young man that is coming off of his parents plan for health insurance will listen to other friends that found a plan based on my advice.

As you are enjoying these summer days with all the great food, days at the lake, cook-outs and great conservations, we hope that any time subjects such as Medicare insurance come up, we hope that Balanced Care comes top of mind.

We hope that when health insurance comes up, someone in your circle will provide you with our name and number for advice.

We appreciate every referral that comes our way and are grateful for every conversation we have the privilege of having.


512803HC_FullTerri Trepanier is the owner of Balanced Care Health and Supplemental Insurance and a licensed insurance consultant and broker with Associated Brokers.    Licensed in both Maine and NH,  her specialty is working with small businesses, individuals, and families with their health and life insurance needs.  She is certified to offer health plans both on and off the exchange and is contracted with every health insurance company that offers plans in both New Hampshire and Maine.  Her other passion is assisting Medicare beneficiaries with their Medicare Supplemental, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans, and Medicare Advantage plans. Terri has seen firsthand the importance of insurance products and how they help families.  Her goal with Balanced Care is to “Insure Security and Peace of Mind One Family at a Time”.