With new Medicare cards due to arrive in your mailbox at any time now, questions ranging from what to do with your old one to who do I need to contact to let people know of my new Medicare number are coming daily. To help clients, anyone currently on Medicare, or individuals that will be […]
Archives for April 2018
New Medicare Cards
If you haven’t already heard, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid will begin sending new Medicare cards at no cost to all Medicare beneficiaries this month. For this area of the country, Medicare will start sending out new cards after June. The new cards will be using randomly picked 11 character numbers called a Medicare […]
Healthcare Sharing Ministry Plans (Part 2)
Last week when the post went out regarding Healthcare Sharing Ministry Plans, the response was incredible. Thank you all for reaching out with your questions. In order to understand why it was important to me to look into these plans, you must understand that this past Open Enrollment for individual and family plans for health […]
Healthcare Sharing Ministry Plans
Did you decide not to get health insurance this past Open Enrollment Period due to the high cost and/or high deductible? Did you decide not to get health insurance because you no longer qualified for a tax subsidy? Do you wish that there was an option for a short term medical plan to give you […]
Insuring Security and Peace of Mind One Family at a Time
Sitting down with families, there is one common reason for not puchasing an insurance product. 90% of the time, it has to do with affordability. Many families are living paycheck to paycheck and just cannot add another bill to their already tight budget. Many families just cannot add one more bill to their increasingly growing […]