Archives for 2021

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

When I started my Medicare and Health Insurance consulting business in 2010, it was so exciting.   The passion of helping clients understand the complexity of a product that many times made no sense to them was something that brought me happiness to share. What always shocked me were things that were said to me when […]

A Christmas Miracle

When you least expect it, God answers and miracles happen!    My last post left off with telling you about the healing that started happening when my husband was recovering from a ruptured disc.    Through physical therapy and movement, he started to heal. It wasn’t easy and it seemed like it took forever.   His […]

Motion is Lotion

Late in the fall of 2017, my husband began having pain in his neck and right arm.   He described it as having a constant charley horse down his arm. When the pain wasn’t getting better and it started going across his chest, there was no doubt that he needed to be seen.   When he didn’t […]

Reach for the Son

As you most likely know, it was important for me to take a little break from social media.   It was important for me because I was getting caught up in conversations that were only adding fuel to dividing people that I love and respect. I needed time away to pray about how to move forward, […]

Trust your Gutt Instinct

The last time that I took my Mother to the doctor’s office in early 2012, she was recovering from phenomonia.  Although on that day she was doing better, she was still weak and fragile from what her body had just been through. When the doctor recommended that she have a flu shot on that same […]

Break from Social Media

When social media was first introduced, it gave me joy to catch up with family and friends, celebrate with others as birthdays, anniversaries, and joyous occasions were shared, watch small businesses thrive, and most importantly, pray with others when prayer was asked for. Sadly and most importantly throughout the last several years, it has become […]

Vitamin D

Back in 2017, my husband was scheduled to have surgery for a ruptured disc.   In preparing for the surgery, the doctor wanted to check his Vitamin D level.   He was told that it was extremely low so the doctor put him on a Vitamin D supplement which we didn’t think anything of. At that same […]

A Day in the Life of our Kona

When I look at animals, I often wonder what goes through their mind.   Our dog, Kona has her own personality and gets excited about virtually everything.   Let’s take a look at a day in the life of our Kona girl according to her . . . . . Around 7:00 each morning, I awake from […]

Focus on the Joy

For the last few years, I choose a word to think and meditate on each day in that year.  In 2020, that word was ENOUGH. Actually, it said, “I am Enough”.  This was chosen because like everyone else, insecurity can creep into my life very quickly.    It doesn’t matter whether it is personal or […]