Archives for June 2018

A Change in Plans

In the summer months, our oldest son, Michael, takes half of the day off on Mondays to work around the house with my husband.  Since my husband is off on Monday, they work on projects either here at our house or at his home.  Projects such as fixing leaks, fixing doors, outside work, etc. are […]

The Easy Way or The Hard Way

One of my favorite things about this time of the year is looking out our kitchen window and seeing our vegetable garden.   I love to watch it grow and really enjoy working in the garden throughout the summer. This year we are growing carrots, tomatoes, string beans, peppers, radishes, beets, watermelon, onions, pumpkins, cabbage, and […]

Happy Birthday Mom

June 10, 1939 is an important date for my sisters and I. It was the day that our beautiful Mother was born. Birthdays were always important dates in our family.   We picked our favorite meals, had a few gifts to open, and always did something special to mark the day. Since losing her in January […]

Planting a Garden

This is the time of the year that many families (including my own) will plant a garden and grow their own food.    Some families may choose to join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) or just get fresh fruits and vegetables from a Farmer’s Market.  Whatever you choose, you are doing what works best for […]