There Just Isn’t Time

You wake up in the morning, fill lunchboxes, get the children ready for school while you get ready yourself,  drop your children off to school, go to work, pick up your children, make dinner, put away the dishes, play with your children, give baths, get the children ready for bed, and then sit down totally exhausted.

Does this sound familiar?

It never ceases to amaze me what we will get done in one day and yet, at the end of the day, we will beat ourselves up for not getting that one thing done we promised we would.

Maybe it was calling for oil in the middle of the winter?

Maybe it was getting that run in that you wanted?

Maybe it was scheduling an appointment for your yearly physical?

The one reason that I personally use and one that is often heard from my clients is that there just isn’t enough time to get it all done.

This is about to get very real, honest, and raw.

There is time!

There always is!

We each have 24 hours in a day.    We each have choices to make.

Of course, we choose to take care of our families.   We choose to take care of the daily chores that have to get done.

We choose to do the things we want to get accomplished even when it isn’t convenient.

For me, using the “There just isn’t time” excuse was just that, an excuse.   I was choosing not to get that one thing done because it just wasn’t fitting into my schedule.

Take for instance, going to the dentist.    Going to the dentist just isn’t my favorite thing to do.   Because of that, I put it off because it wasn’t convenient.

Thinking about insurance products is never high on your To-Do list.

Clients that are becoming eligible for Medicare will put off calling Balanced Care because they are just unsure of what to ask.   They are unsure of how to proceed.   They attempt to read up on Medicare and what to do and become confused.   They say, “There just isn’t time” to understand it all and the truth is, there is plenty of time.    Scheduling an appointment with us, learning about Medicare and how it works,  and finally, knowing what you need will only help you when the time is right.   It will help you get Medicare off of your To-Do list and let you concentrate on the things that matter the most to you.

Life Insurance is another insurance product that is put off.     40% of Americans that need Life Insurance don’t have any.   The top reason that is used is “There just isn’t time” and the truth is, they could be right.

There isn’t time to understand how much is needed, what type of Life Insurance is needed, and with over 400 Life Insurance companies to choose from, it’s almost impossible to know which insurance company will best fit your needs.

This is where a broker can help.

We can help you to calculate how much you need, what type of Life Insurance is best for your family, and help to compare premiums making sure you are getting the best quote possible.   Medical underwriting makes a difference so we ask medical questions helping to ensure we are getting the most accurate quote for you.

Everyone of us will have to get through each day with chores and a growing list of To-Do’s.

Balanced Care can help you with one of most important aspects of your life – Protection for you and your family.

Don’t let time get in your way; use your time wisely and manage it just like you do your everyday life.

You and your family deserve it and are so worth every minute of your time.


512803HC_CropTerri Trepanier is the owner of Balanced Care Health and Supplemental Insurance and a licensed insurance consultant and broker with Associated Brokers.    Licensed in both Maine and NH,  her specialty is working with small businesses, individuals, and families with their health and life insurance needs.  She is certified to offer health plans both on and off the exchange and is contracted with every health insurance company that offers plans in both New Hampshire and Maine.  Her other passion is assisting Medicare beneficiaries with their Medicare Supplemental, Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans, and Medicare Advantage plans. Terri has seen firsthand the importance of insurance products and how they help families.  Her goal with Balanced Care is to “Insure Security and Peace of Mind One Family at a Time”.