Calculating Life Insurance Needs

Continuing with the discussion of Life Insurance and frequently asked questions, Balanced Care would like to give you some insight on how to calculate how much Life Insurance you should have.      Factors such as expenses, assets, and income replacement must be part of the equation. As a “rule of thumb”, five to seven times your […]

September is Life Insurance Awareness

Do I need life insurance? What type do I get? Should it be term or whole life? I have life insurance at work; do I need more? Should my spouse and children be covered? How much do I need? If all these questions are making you feel like you need to pull your hair out […]

“Selling” Insurance

Balanced Care is in the business of helping individuals, businesses, and our seniors secure adequate health and life insurance coverage in the states of NH and Maine.      I often hear from people in other professions as well as from my clients that they wonder how I can stand to “sell” insurance.       I thought it would […]

Through The Eyes Of An Employer

The telephone rang a few weeks ago and on the other end was an employer unsatisfied with his present supplemental insurance carrier.   The employer had reached out to this carrier multiple times and each time, promises were made but never followed through on.     The surprise to me was that this had gone on for five years.  […]