Spring Fever

With the breeze in the air that still feels like winter, it’s no wonder that many of us have spring fever. For me personally, I long for the warmth of the sunshine, flowers blooming, and working in my gardens. As long as this winter has been, many people I have spoken to are also eager […]

Supplemental Plans – A Good Option

If you were to put ten people in a room at this very minute, chances are very good that at least half of them would have known someone personally that has been affected by cancer. Unfortunately, cancer seems to be everywhere these days. What makes it even harder is the fact that cancer isn’t just […]

Lessons Learned About Trips, Slips, and Falls

I love stories and the memories those stories hold in my heart.      Some of those memories are great; some of those memories are hard to hold onto without feeling pain.       Some of the stories make us laugh.     Some make us cry.     Some have made me realize that life can change in an instant.      No […]